
Choose the rebate(s) that best fit your needs:

Santa Clara Valley Water District Landscape Rebate Program
The Landscape Rebate Program is available for Santa Clara County residents, businesses, and institutions that convert qualifying high water using landscape (i.e. irrigated turf or functional swimming pool) to water efficient landscape and/or upgrade to qualifying irrigation hardware that results in water savings. For more information, click here.

Lawn Busters Rebate Program
Need a team to help you with your lawn conversion? The Lawn Busters Program provides on-site assessments and planning, planting and irrigation installation, and quality assurance follow-up. Must be qualified to participate in the program, for more information click here.

Bay Friendly Coalition Rebate Program
The Bay Friendly Coalition is a California nonprofit organization that promotes sustainable landscaping and gardening practices in the San Francisco Bay Area. Their list of rebate programs include the surrounding Bay Area cities. To view their list, click here.